There are a lot of unknowns associated with cancer. There are the tests leading up to the diagnosis, the treatments themselves and, even when treatments have ended, the fear of having to go through it all over again. It’s the perfect storm for worrying on the cancer journey. It's a place you don't want to go.

Worrydom is a kingdom
That nobody wants to reign.
It’s full of supposition
And its self-inflicted pain.
It’s a place you may visit
When you don’t know what to do.
But understand its dangers;
There’s nothing good for you.
Your burdens may seem many
And cause stress upon your mind.
But there’s light in the darkness
And it’s light you have to find.

Don’t think about tomorrow.
Focus solely on today.
An inner peace will fill you
And you’ll find a brighter way.
Your trip uphill may seem long
And feel hard to reach the top.
But when your burden’s lighter
You won’t really need to stop.
Worry can only hurt you;
To yourself you must be kind.
Look forward to your future;
Leave Worrydom far behind.
by Debbie Kerr